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Reached another success! RelyEZ Energy Storage Technology Won the TOP 50 Award in the 2023 Energy Storage Industry

Release time: Jul. 13, 2023

From July 6th to 7th, the 2023 Gao Gong Energy Storage Industry Summit, organized by GGII Industrial Research Institute, was held at the Maoshan International Conference Center in Jintan, Changzhou. The theme of this summit was "Marketization, Integration, Globalization," and it invited more than 300 upstream and downstream companies and over 800 industry chain guests.

Reached another success! RelyEZ Energy Storage Technology Won the TOP 50 Award in the 2023 Energy Storage Industry

In the "2023 Energy Storage Industry TOP 50 Selection" held on the evening of July 7th, RelyEZ Energy Storage Technology successfully won the "2023 Energy Storage Industry TOP 50 Award" due to its outstanding performance in the market.

Reached another success! RelyEZ Energy Storage Technology Won the TOP 50 Award in the 2023 Energy Storage Industry

Driven by the goals of carbon neutrality and peaking carbon emissions, energy storage is growing rapidly on an unprecedented scale worldwide. In the domestic market, the price difference between peak and off-peak electricity has been clearly defined in many provinces and cities, and the profit model for industrial and commercial energy storage is clear, ushering in a year of development. In overseas markets, the U.S. energy storage market is huge, and in Europe, there is strong demand for household storage based on energy security and high electricity prices. In addition, the demand for energy storage in Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, Australia, and other countries and regions is also rising rapidly.

RelyEZ Energy Storage Technology has long been deeply involved in the new energy industry, independently leading the design and construction of over 60 projects, with a total project involvement exceeding 5GWh. In 2022, its shipment volume ranked eighth nationally and thirteenth globally.

RelyEZ's modular energy storage system adopts liquid cooling technology with higher heat dissipation efficiency, combined with advanced Battery Management System (BMS) and efficient bidirectional energy storage inverter (PCS). The cabinet directly outputs AC power, supports parallel connection of multiple cabinets on the AC side, and improves power and energy density by more than 30%. The product has advantages such as high safety, high performance, and long lifespan, providing efficient solutions for industrial load shifting, grid frequency regulation, wind and solar integration, communication base stations, data centers, rail transportation, and other fields.

Reached another success! RelyEZ Energy Storage Technology Won the TOP 50 Award in the 2023 Energy Storage Industry

By winning the "2023 Energy Storage Industry TOP 50 Award," RelyEZ Energy Storage Technology once again gains industry recognition with its strength. As a leading domestic energy storage equipment company, RelyEZ has always been committed to maintaining a leading position in energy storage technology, promoting industry innovation, continuously providing customers with integrated energy storage solutions, assisting in energy transformation, and opening a new era of smart energy!