Home / News / RelyEZ was listed as one of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area(GBA)"

RelyEZ was listed as one of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area(GBA)"

Release time: Dec. 04, 2023

On October 27th, the 2023 "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area(GBA)" Innovation and Economy Forum was grandly held, at which the 2023 GBA Innovation Development Report was released, and the "2023 GBA Top 100 High Growth Enterprises" were finally selected through multiple rounds of inspections by a judging team composed of industry experts, capital experts and professional observers.


With years of profound accumulation in the field of energy storage and outstanding performance in growth, creativity, synergy, intelligence and endogenous power, RelyEZ was listed as one of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area(GBA)",and joined the "GBA High Growth Enterprises Club".

At the 2023 GBA Economic Forum held on the 27th, Liu Xiangkai, Director of the Investment and Financing Department of RelyEZ, was invited to participate in the roundtable.


Across the singularity, new energy to stimulate sustainable development of the new kinetic energy, which focuses on discussing the lithium-power storage system bidding prices continue to probe the premise of the new energy storage enterprises how to maintain sustained competitiveness; and on the storage system in the role of the "source network load" in addition to the fourth foot of the power system, views. 

The meeting focused on how new energy storage enterprises can maintain sustainable competitiveness under the premise that the bidding price of lithium-ion energy storage system keeps exploring; and the view on the role of energy storage system in playing the "source, network, load" outside the fourth foot of the power system.

 Mr. Liu Xiangkai firstly made a brief introduction of Yuanxin Energy Storage, and exchanged views with experts and scholars on the future development of the energy storage industry.


As a global leading energy storage system integrator, Far Eastern Energy Storage has been involved in more than 7GWh of projects, and owns more than 50 core patents 

and soft writings. 

The company has been awarded the "Best Energy Storage System Integrator in 2020, 2022 and 2023", "International Energy Storage Innovation Competition 2023", 

"Energy Storage Annual Emerging Enterprise", "GG Energy Storage 2023 Energy Storage Industry Top50", and "Outstanding Enterprise in the Finals of the Fourth China Science

 and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2023".

RelyEZ will continue to play a leading role in the energy storage industry, promote the establishment of energy storage industry standards, and make due contributions to

the healthy and benign development of the energy storage industry.