Home / News / Wang Ning, Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, and his party inspected Yao’An Reliance energy storage factory

Wang Ning, Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, and his party inspected Yao’An Reliance energy storage factory

Release time: Nov. 14, 2022

From November 8th to 9th, Wang Ning, secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, went to Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture to preach the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. During the period, Secretary Wang Ning came to Yao'an Energy Storage Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park to investigate the development of Yuanxin's energy storage equipment manufacturing industry.

Wang Ning, Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, and his party inspected Yao’An Reliance energy storage factory

In Yao'an Reliance, Secretary Wang Ning listened to the planning report on the construction of a new energy storage base in ChuXiong Prefecture, the construction of a new energy peak-shaving center in central Yunnan, and a new energy storage industry cluster.

Secretary Wang Ning emphasized that it is necessary to attract investment through business, attract upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, and build a whole industrial chain of green energy. It is necessary to strengthen technological innovation, attract and train professional talents. Relevant departments at the provincial level should strengthen overall planning and actively plan relevant industrial policies.

Wang Ning, Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, and his party inspected Yao’An Reliance energy storage factory

Secretary Wang Ning, after in-depth inquiry about Reliance Energy Storage's investment, production and operation in Yunnan, affirmed Reliance Energy Storage's development achievements in Yunnan, and encouraged Reliance Energy Storage to strengthen confidence, firm belief, down-to-earth, and solidly promote project construction and talents Cultivate work.

At the research symposium, Secretary Wang Ning affirmed the new progress made in the economic and social development of Chuxiong Prefecture, hoping to sum up the successful experience, face up to the existing gaps and problems, insist on the first priority of development, and continue to work hard. Based on resource advantages, we must focus on industrial development, and promote the accelerated development of advanced manufacturing industries such as silicon photovoltaics, new materials, and energy storage equipment, as well as modern agriculture, cultural tourism, and biomedicine with plateau characteristics.

Wang Ning, Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, and his party inspected Yao’An Reliance energy storage factory

Provincial leaders Qiu Jiang, Wang Xiangang, He Lianghui, and Wang Hao, Chuxiong Prefecture Party Secretary Liu Yong, executive deputy governor Chen Rui, Yaoan County Party Secretary Lei Bo, and county magistrate Lin Bangrong participated in the above activities.